If you're seeing this error message, it means that we've detected an issue with your IP.
To resolve this issue, please ensure that your PC and mobile device are on the same consistent IP i.e. they should both be using the same Wi-Fi network or both be using the same mobile data network and that network needs to have the same IP address throughout the process of getting your Civic Pass issued.
If you're certain that both of your devices are on the same Wi-Fi or mobile data network, your internet service provider is likely changing your IP address every few minutes. You can check by following the steps below:
1. Go to https://whatismyip.com and check your IP on both your PC and your mobile device at the beginning of the process. Take a screenshot including the time.
2. Go to https://getpass.civic.com and go through the process of getting your Civic Pass issued.
3. If you encounter the "Unable to proceed" error, immediately go to https://whatismyip.com, check your IP on b both your PC and your mobile device and take a screenshot including the time.
4. Compare the IP from the beginning of the process and after seeing the error.
If the IPs are different, you can resolve this by getting onto a different IP that is consistent throughout the process using a different wi-fi or mobile data connection.
If your IPs are the same, then please contact our support team with your wallet address and both screenshots so we can look into this for you.